Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Chapter 5: Lucky Us! Jobs for EVERYONE!!!

If you're currently looking for a job in B.C or Alberta, and you don't have one. There are two reasons to your problem. One, you're not trying at all, or you may have one really sucky resume or reputation.
Retailers are currently begging for workers and have upped the perks for choosing to work or their company, such as higher pay, more vacation pay, and flexible hours. Not only retailers are desperately recruiting workers, a huge majority of professionals, such as a Geoscientist, are aging and ready to retire.
The latest unemployment rate, according the article, that in March it was 4.8%. Not bad, considering the last time it was this low was in the olden ages, 1969, when it was at 4.6%.

However, this is a bit of a sticky situation. Shortage of workers is quite an extreme issue in British Columbia and Alberta. This has caused some businesses to slow down plans to expand, and could possibly deminish our sreak of economic growth. Alberta and British Columbia, are side by side geographically, but they are also competing with us for workers! The baby boomers have left the later generations some big shoes to fill and at this rate, we are unable to fill them. According to some statistics, in the next 10 years, there will be 400, 000 new jobs and only 300,000 of them will be filled if the economy continues grow at this rate.


An unemployed person is one who does not hold a job position but is currently seeking for one. If unemployment is high, it will be a great concern, because it is an indicatot we are not using our resource efficiently. By not using resources efficiently, the amount goods and services produced will fall insid production possibilities curve and we well know that it is a no no! However, this is not the case for British Columbia. We are using our resources at a great rate, but we might be using it at a faster rate then we can handle. GDP measure the market value of final goods and services produced in Canadan a given period of time. Seeing our current situation, our GDP should be growing. Therefore, as employment rates raise, standards of living only grows because employees are earning a higher income while producing goods and services at a higher rate. However, living standards only growsif GDP grows faster than the population. Currently, our population is growing but I am unsure if the GDP is growing faster.

Retailers Fight Shortage of Workers

Go West Young ( or Old) Man ( or Woman)

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